It was a chilly, but thankfully snow-free afternoon meeting in the back room of the Magnolia branch of the Seattle Public Library.
Twenty-three HAPSters gathered for the first meeting of 2019, more than ready to talk about cruising destinations and plans ahead. The record for furthest travelled went to Dave and Susie Garland, who were delayed for a day in Ellensburg by *snow* Apparently, some beer was required to deal with the time lapse.
Mike Murray began with a moving tribute to Mike Mariano, and Stuart read The Unknown Shore, a poem by Elizabeth Clark Hardy, in Mike Mariano’s honor. Kerstin Hilton will gather donations from HAPS members and put them into gifts from HAPS to Childhavenand Treehouse, in Mike’s memory.
John Hilton then launched us into the meat of the meeting. The results can be found along with the annual rendezvous and meetme@ scheduleon the HAPS website. Here are some highlights:
· Ray and Deb Valpey volunteered to work with Rick and Ann Giles as hosts on the South Sound Redux Cruise (18-23 August)
· Rick and Ann Giles reiterated their desire to head to the San Juans after the 2-4 July Poulsbo meet me@, for 2 weeks, in the company of however many Hapsters care to join them.
· The Annual Meeting is now set for Brownsville, on 18-20 October.
After the schedule had been set, here was some discussion about meetme@ communication. At least one person was not interested in interacting on Facebook at all, and alternative ways of communicating were discussed.
The general conclusion was that people who are initiating meetme@gatherings with advance notice (e.g., one week or more) can let HAPS Comms know about the event, and Comms will get out an eblast to that effect, with the contact information of the initiator(s). Anything with less advance notice should be put onto the HAPS Facebook site by the initiators.
Duane Rubash then presented the Membership Report and the Treasurer’s Report. We have 34 boats as members, including four new members for 2019:
· Alibi, Hunter 35.5, Tom & Debbie Jardine
· Endless, Hunter 375, Chip & Marianne Handewith
· Nonamé, Hunter 340, Jeff & Laura Condit
· Wild Duck, Hunter 41DS, Pierre & Terry Michel
The membership roster on the website is up to date. We also have one prospective member, five who have not yet renewed, and five who have told us that they are not renewing.
The Treasurer’s Report was delivered. A copy has been sent to the members under separate cover.
Thanks to John and Kerstin Hilton for arranging the meeting and providing the refreshments.