HAPS Annual Meeting Minutes of 13 -15 October 2023
This year’s meeting was attended by 20 people during the course of the weekend.
We kicked off the weekend with a HAPSY Happy Hour followed by a potluck dinner and a movie. Keeping with the nautical theme we watched The Life of Pi.
On Saturday, we had an auction with a great selection of items that resulted in a spirited bidding competition. When the smoke cleared, we raised over $600.00.
The business meeting was led by Duane Rubash, with the following highlights:
· Membership is down, we currently have 24 active members.
· Currently, the budget has a balance of roughly $8,000.00. Duane encouraged the use of funds to support future rendezvous and meet-ups to cover the costs of breakfast supplies, rental of facilities etc.
· Duane is stepping down from his position as Membership and Biling and is looking for a volunteer to take his place. Doug Miller and Kim Krumvieda agree to step in and replace him at the start of the 2024, with Doug as the primary and Kim as the back-up.
· We discussed cruises and meet-ups for the next year. There was an interest going to Bell Harbor Marina in December to watch the Parade of Christmas Boats. Kirsten Hilton took action to look into the dates of the parade. Additionally, several people expressed an interest in going to Desolation Sound next summer. A meeting will be held in the new year to discuss this trip as well as other trips.
· We talked about the location of where we could hold future annual meetings. If you know of a facility, please pass that information on so we can discuss our options.
Following the meeting we had a delicious BBQ brisket dinner and dessert.
On Sunday we met for coffee and breakfast and had an informal discussion on the budget reserve and how we could best use the funds. Suggestions included:
· Review the reserve balance during 2024 to determine whether collecting dues for 2025 is needed.
· Happy hour snacks during HAPS trips.
The recommendation was made that future discussion of this should take place during a HAPSY Hour or meeting to ensure we get input from all interested parties.
The next HAPSYs Hour Zoom Chat is scheduled for November 19 at 6:30. If you have any recommendations regarding winter sailing trips, rendezvous locations, Chart Chat locations, and or how best use of the budget balance funds please bring your suggestions for discussion.