Gig Harbor Get Together
Plan to arrive before 3:00 due to low tide at channel entrance
Make reservations at Arabella’s Landing
HAPSY Hour Zoom Chat
Come prepared to share your ideas regarding winter sailing trips, 2024 rendezvous locations, and Chart Chat locations.
South Sound Cruise to Longbranch and beyond
Ray Valpey is looking into joining Three Tree Point Yacht Club for this event. Come join us for part of the trip or the whole cruise. Host volunteer is needed, great opportunity to co-chair with another host.
Flotilla to Desolation Sound
Additional trip planning is needed to flush out route and schedule details. Looking for trip host. Good opportunity to have 2 or more hosts.
San Juan Islands
Rick and Ann Giles will be in the San Juan Island for those interested in spending time in the Islands. Great place to depart from before heading to Desolation Sound.
Meeting Minutes from June 17,2023
We had a great turnout at Saturday’s planning trip to Desolation Sound. The group reviewed dates to rendezvous at various locations and discussed procedures for getting into and returning from Canada.
Here’s a summary of what was discussed.
Several people will be cruising around the San Juan Islands before heading north. I encourage people to post on the HAPS Facebook page where they’re planning to be for others to join them. The Giles will be in Anacortes for their annual boat detailing and will then head to Blind Bay on July 5th if you want to meet up then.
The HAPS flotilla is planning to rendezvous at Reed Harbor on Stuart Island on July 15. From there, we will head to Bedwell Harbor on S. Pender Island to go through Canada Customs. You can contact CBSA at 1-888-226-7277 once docked at Bedwell to report your arrival. People with NEXUS passes should follow the procedures for their pass.
Boats will wind their way north through the Gulf Islands, with some people anchoring at Ganges to re-provision. For those not interested in indulging in the bustling activities of Ganges, there are plenty of other quiet bays to anchor and seek shelter.
The next rendezvous point will be Nanaimo on July 22. From there, we will determine the best route and timing to cross the Strait of Georgia. A suggested alternate crossing point is at Hornby Island.
Once across the strait, there are numerous coves and anchorages to select from as we continue north to Desolation Sound.
Create a group calling list of HAPS member MMSI numbers on your VHF. Doug Miller has offered to show people how to use group calling.
People traveling with pets should have their inoculations record with them.
Returning to the U.S., boats should display their U.S. Border Patrol DETOPS decal.
Recommend using the CBP ROAM app on your smart phone to report re-entry to the U.S.
North Puget Sound Cruise
Come join us for a long weekend of cruising, Possible destinations include Langley, LaConner, Hope Island, Oak Harbor and or Port Ludlow: Host volunteer is needed to lead this trip.
Desolation Sound Chart Chat
Hosted by Court and Kim Krumvieda
6064 Wynn Jones Road E., Port Orchard, WA 98366
Escape the Labor: South Sound Cruise
Departing from Gig Harbor, we’ll hit all the favorites: Penrose, Longbranch, McMicken, Jarrell Cove, Swantown, and maybe some new ones. about 50/50 anchoring/buoys and Marinas. Fuel and water up before you go. There are three watering ports and two sailboat-capable fuel stops. Also, stupendous views of Mt. Rainier everywhere.
Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge island
As you enter the harbor from the East, it’s actually Winslow Harbor to starboard and Eagle Harbor to port. We’ll be aiming for the newly-built City Dock to starboard, right behind the ferry repair docks. Be prepared to raft up. Lots of goodies and shopping ashore, and big, wide docks with side ties where we can sit and share the good times. Be prepared to raft up: the dock can get crowded and cannot be reserved.
Desolation Sound
Led by Buzz and Tish Greenman. Into Canada through the Gulf islands, across the mighty Strait of Georgia, up the Malaspina, and into Desolation Sound. For those who haven’t ever been, but heard the stories, they are all true: It’s quieter, more anchoring, less marinas, and scenery galore. Precise rendezvous points and itinerary will be distributed later, and HAPSters are welcome to join and participate wherever they can. Stay with the itinerary, and you’ll cross and return in the fleet. If you’ve never been, it’s an adventure in coastal sailing you’ll remember and want to repeat. For those who have, welcome back to Canada.
And yes, we’ll be keeping an eye on the latest border crossing procedures for private vessels, and informing participants. Get your passports ready.
San Juans Cruise
Led by Rick and Anne Giles. Departing from Poulsbo (or wherever you find yourself), and meeting up in the San Juan Islands, cruise schedule to be determined by Rick and the cruising skippers.
Poulosbo Raftup and Fireworks
July 3 is back: Rafting up in Liberty Bay with scores of other boats and groups of boats, enjoying the fireworks on the third, boutique shopping, ice cream and goodies from the village bakeries bespoke beer and ale, the comforts and joys of being together… a three-day potluck to say “Welcome Summer!”