A big thanks to Deb and Ray Valpey and John Hilton for another wonderful rendezvous April 21-23 at the Port Orchard Marina. The Friday weather was spectacular. In aviation vernacular it was CAVU, Ceiling and visibility unlimited. The warmth of the long absent sun was a welcome respite for the months of gray weather. John Hilton and I buddy boated all the way from Bremerton Yacht Club to Port Orchard Marina. We topped off with fuel and water, double checked our radio channels, took a last look at the weather charts and shoved off. Forty minutes later we arrived safely.
HAPS attendees included Buzz and Tish and furry crew Ginger on their H34 Prime Meridian , Ray and Deb and furry crew Clover on H38 Sloe Tango , John Hilton in H38 New Shoes, Stuart and Linda on H36 Selah, Chris Jones, Sunny and Carol Jones and a furry crew member as well on H460 Brigadoon , and Mike and Ruth on H466 Wings of Gold.
The weekend event was all the more fun with some crews from Three Tree Point YC that joined us. Don and Kristy in their Catalina 36 (and two cats Bandit and Buddy). Dennis and Ingrid in their Tartan 37 and Jim in his Camano 30 trawler.
The appetizers were delicious and whetted appetites prior to finding dinner in town. Ruth and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary with a wonderful dinner for two at Amy's on the bay.
John's friend Andrea prepared some precooked quiche for the Saturday breakfast. Mike and Ruth made coffee for the crew. I have heard that timing is everything, and Selah and Brigadoon proved that to be correct by arriving Saturday morning and timing their docking in heavy rain and wind gusts to 30kts. Chris did a really fine job of backing in with the adverse conditions.
The continued blustery winds and heavy rain put a damper on the geo cache so Don and Kristy from Three Tree Point were the only crew to complete it. Marshmallow golf was also rained out. We did have fun on the walk to the Sidney Art Gallery and museum. After that Deb Valpey conducted a primer on art work and had paints and wood boards for all to exercise their inner artist. As a non-participating observer myself, I think that some of our members could strike out on another career while others should stick to cruising and their day job.
The grill your own potluck Saturday night was delicious and plentiful. The shelter at the marina complete with lights, grill and propane heaters was a welcome port in the storm and greatly enjoyed by all. Rousing rounds of Jenga and Bananagram topped off the evening.
Sunday morning was left overs, juice and coffee. John and I again buddy boated back to BYC and arrived safely.
Again a huge thanks to our wonderful hosts Deb and Ray Valpey and John Hilton.
Mike and Ruth Murray
HAPS Co-captain
Save the Date for our next rendezvous: May 12-14 on Blake Island is a come as you are, no-host affair.
Also, Specialty Yachts' huge Hunter/Marlow-Hunter gathering on Thetis Island is June 1-4. This hugely popular gathering sells out.