At the Brownsville Yacht Club
Come for the rendezvous, stay for the Annual Meeting, OR Just come for the meetings on Saturday.
Friday arrival –
1600 - Social time with hors d’oeuvres (HAPS provides, but bring your own beverages)
1830 - Potluck dinner in the clubhouse
2000 - Movie night (title TBD)
Saturday –
0800 - Coffee, orange juice and banana bread in the clubhouse, social time
0830 - Sea Stories – Boat photo display, membership talks about cruising experiences they had this year
1030 - Meeting begins
Treasury and Membership reports
Election of officers
Appreciation of rendezvous hosts & outgoing officers
1130 - Lunch on your own (bring your own or deli is downstairs)
1200 - Set up for silent auction; start your bidding
1300 - Tech session on First Aid kits and medical treatment at sea
1430 - Tech talk continues for interested members, shopping & visiting for everyone else
1530 - Silent Auction final call
1600 – Silent Auction winners announced, collection of annual dues
1630 – Meet & greet, beverages and hors d’ oeuvres (provided by membership)
1800 - Annual Dinner –Beef brisket, bread & salad (BYOB, non-alcoholic beverages provided) with
dessert provided by membership
1930 - Cleanup
Sunday –
0800 - Continental breakfast, continue visiting in the clubhouse
1100 – Final cleanup
1200 - Checkout time