Friday 18th
1600-1900hr Arrive use VHS channel 72. We will probably help you in.
1800-1900hr Hors d’oeuvre on dock.
Cheese and crackers.
1900hr Dinner in Town or on your boat
Saturday 19th
0830hr Breakfast Pancakes, eggs,
1000hr Common boating knots – how to.
Scavenger hunt
1300hr Walk to hamlet and on to falls and back
1600hr Windup novelty toy race (24” track) Not a windup car.
Or sail your boat at the dock.
1830hr Dinner. HAPS will provide the main dish. Please, bring a side dish.
2000hr Fireside - Management reveals who won what. Smores?
Sunday 20th
0800hr Breakfast provided – Continentalto give you some get up and go.
- Dave & Mary Weale
- You?