HAPS Better Boating
HAPS members have always been generous with each other in helping with fixes and modifications. It’s likely that the Hunter you are currently sailing is no longer being built. In that light, fixes, maintenance and modification help becomes even more important.
So HAPS is starting a program we call Better Boating, to make it even easier to access the help you need to keep your Hunter sailboat in great condition, and make her even better.
There are three parts to this effort:
- Provide you and other HAPS members with seasonal, timely information and resources for maintenance and running issues
- Connect HAPS members with each other and with other Hunter owners for advice on specific concerns or modifications.
- Enable HAPS skippers and crew to establish redundancy skills, so that in an emergency or urgent situation on the water, you have back-up plans and skills at the ready.
John Hilton is spearheading the Better Boating effort, so if you have comments or suggestions, please get them to him at any time, by clicking here.
It’s all part of making HAPS worthy of the best boats on the water.